Home / Gadgets / Apple is auctioning a one-of-a-kind iPad Pro to support London’s Design Museum

Apple is auctioning a one-of-a-kind iPad Pro to support London’s Design Museum


Apple is auctioning off a one-of-a-kind iPad Pro, Smart Cover, and and Apple Pencil to raise money for London’s Design museum. The products were donated by Jony Ive and the Apple design team, which only intend to produce a single instance of the products in these colors.


For the most part, the iPad, cover, and Pencil all appear to be made of the same materials that are used in the common version of these products. The only difference is their color, but their colors should really stand out. The iPad Pro (the 12.9-inch model, to be specific), is in a sort of greenish yellow. The case has a blue leather — Apple sells leather cases, but not leather smart covers — and the Apple Pencil appears to come in a leather case too, in orange. There’s also a gold band around the top of the Pencil, which is unique to this model.

Phillips, the auction house handling the custom iPad’s sale, expects to raise somewhere between £10,000 to £15,000 ($14,200 to $21,300) for the items. The museum is relocating, and these funds will seemingly support the move. The Design Museum focuses on “affordably priced design objects,” so you can understand why Apple would be interested. Apple may not be making pure art — these are functional objects, after all — but there absolutely is an art to them. And Apple has always been clear about playing that up.

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