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Are iPhone 6S sales starting to peter out?


Apple recently claimed that the App Store enjoyed a record-breaking festive period, but things might not be as rosy as they seem in Cupertino.

iPhone sales have apparently started to flag, forcing the company to scale back handset orders and adjust its market forecast.

The reduced orders have led to layoffs at Apple manufacturing partner Foxconn and convinced the tech giant to downgrade its iPhone 6Ssales forecast by 30%, according to the Wall Street Journal.

The news comes as a surprise, given that the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus saw records tumble at launch when they shifted 13 million units between them. Commercially speaking, they may have peaked early.

With iPad sales also flagging and the Apple Watch rumoured to be performing below expectations, Apple might have some rethinking to do.

The firm hasn’t commented on the reports of declining iPhone sales, but it is expected to break its silence at its quarterly earnings calls on January 26.

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