Home / Mobile / Galaxy S7, S7 edge shipping early from AT&T and Sprint

Galaxy S7, S7 edge shipping early from AT&T and Sprint


T-Mobile isn’t the only carrier that’s ignoring Samsung’s official release date for the Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 edge, it seems. AT&T and Sprint have also started shipping the new handsets early, and customers are expected to receive them very soon.

T-Mobile kicked off the shenanigans when it started shipping Galaxy S7 and S7 edge on Sunday, with customers set to receive them well before the end of this week. Now AT&T and Sprint are following suit ahead of the official release date on March 11.

Customers have begun receiving shipping notifications by email, and most will receive there new handset within the coming days — over a week early.

Many pre-order customers in the U.K. will receive theirs on March 8, but that’s an official early launch date that’s being offered by a number of retailers and carriers — presumably after being authorized by Samsung.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like any U.K. orders have shipped just yet. There’s no word on Verizon shipping its orders early, either.

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