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Google Drive Adds Mobile Notifications for Shared Files


Staying on top of the documents people share with you via Google Drive is about to get a little easier.

In addition to email alerts about shared files, Google will now send notifications to your iOS or Android device when someone shares a folder or file with you on Drive. Better yet, you can click the notification to view the shared items with a single tap, Google said.

Meanwhile, it should now also be easier to request and grant file access from your phone. Android users can request access to view a file with one tap, which should be helpful when someone shares a link to a file with you, but forgets to give you access to it. On both iOS and Android, meanwhile, file owners will be notified of file access requests on their device, so they can quickly take action.

Until now, you needed an account to view shared files on your Android device. Now, you can do it without an account, just like on the Web.

Google has already rolled out the new mobile notifications for shared folders and files, and said the rest of these tweaks will be rolling out over the next week or so.

Meanwhile on the Google app front, the Web giant on Wednesday updated its iOS Maps app with support for spoken traffic alerts in navigation mode to tell you about congestion and incidents on your route. The app will also now give you a spoken summary of traffic before you head out to your destination. Head over to the App Store to grab the latest version of Maps for iOS (4.12.0).


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