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Google Photos now smartly sorts your snaps automatically


Taking lots of photos when you’re doing some fun is great, but sorting them when you go home is not. But now you don’t have to.

Use Google Photos and it takes care of organization for you, with smart albums that are made up of your best images from every event.

“Starting today, after an event or trip, Google Photos will suggest a new album for you, curated with just your best shots,” Google explains.

Alongside those albums, you’ll get a map that shows you how far you traveled, and location pins that remind you where you went. You will then have the option to add caption to the album to describe your experience. The same features are also available on any existing albums.

But here’s the best bit: If you enable collaboration, your friends and loved ones can contribute to the album, too. So, if you go hiking with your best buddies, or on a camping trip with the whole family, you no longer have to ask them all to send you their photos.

Smart albums are available now on Android, iOS, and the web; look out for an update to the Google Photos app.

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