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Highly Improved New Oculus Rift Kits start Shipping to Developers

With the high popularity and distribution of original dev kit of Oculus Rift, now it is once again shipping the latest developer version of Rift headset to early buyers. Those developers and freaks who have pre-ordered version 2 of the headset i.e, DK2 have already begun to receive notifications that it is soon coming at their doors and with the increasing demands, Oculus VR will not be able to deliver to everyone who is expecting their DK2 to ship this month.

oculus-250x180The development kit for The Oculus VR has already sent out thousands of them but those are now less capable and older as well. So this dev kit 2 is more advanced dev kit with enhanced features. The company says dev kit 2 featured a higher resolution screen with 1,080 horizontal lines which is just like a most modern televisions. It also features an external camera that tracks infrared dots on the device to translate player motion into a game and allows for more complicated maneuvers, such as leaning or ducking. This enhanced feature increases the sensation that you are really present in a simulation.

“We expect to ship roughly 10,000 DK2s from the factory in July, with just over half of the units through distribution centers and on their way to doorsteps before the end of the month,” Oculus VR community manager Andres Hernandez said at the time. “We’re slightly behind in manufacturing and there’s currently a high chance that some developers with estimated shipping in July may not have their DK2s shipped until August. We have a team in China working on continued ramp of production at our factory, and we’ll work our way through the queue as fast as we can.”

From the statistics, it came to know that the company will be shipping 10,000 units out this month. However, the company had surpassed 45,000 preorders on DK2 bringing over 10,000 sales on Rift. This exceptional score of the Oculus brings the company one step closer to expected consumer release of late 2014/early 2015.

Facebook has purchased Oculus VR for $2 billion earlier this year and the CEO of Facebook; Mark Zuckerberg has the huge expectation and sees this virtual reality as the next computing platform after mobile and PC. If you are also willing to pre-order this enormously improved dev kit 2 then you can make it right away by visiting the Oculus’s website.

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