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I need help setting up my wirelss card in openbsd?


I need help setting up my wirelss card in openbsd?

I’ve got an IBM thinkpad 600e series laptop, an smc2642w wireless card, and I can’t figure out how to set it up. I’ve gone through the support page on openbsd’s site and it doesn’t seem to help. Please help! I really want to get this up and running.

OpenBSD best answer:

Answer by rainofkayos
lspci -v | less
u can probably pipe that to grep and the regex is prolly “Wireless”

I also suggest searching ports for drivers for ur card
u can just cd into /usr/ports
make search name=”drivers”
if this isn’t productive

first u should check the wiki site for openbsd and search for wireless devices supported,,, once u get that, u can save urself much confusion,, most *nix distros keep organized online/offline documentation, u need to know the chipset of ur wireless, is intel / is broadcom? ,,, u will need drivers for the card as with any other OS and device, there will either be a native linuX driver or u may be able to use a windows driver, also i use FreeBSD and im familiar with enabling Linux mode on the OS to use linux binaries on ur BSD,,, u should look into the madwifi drivers as well,, and also u can look into
the packages pcmiautils may help u if ur using a pcmcia card wireless adapter, and the package wireless-tools is nice for config wireless devices,, gives u the iwconfig command like ifconfig =)
and u can check the ndis wrapper site to see if they support u card, if so,,, u can wrap the windows driver in ndiswrapper and run ur card like that,,, i think ull certainly need linux_mode enabled which u should get automagically if u install a linux binary from ports

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