Home / Linux / Lilbits (8-16-2013): Debian turns 20

Lilbits (8-16-2013): Debian turns 20

Debian Etch virtualizado en Ubuntu
Image by cespinoq
Debian Etch virtualizado en Ubuntu Feisty AMD64

Lilbits (8-16-2013): Debian turns 20

Debian has been around for 20 years, and we're only on version 7.1 of the open source, community-supported operating system. That's because the folks behind this operating system like to take their time. Whereas Ubuntu launches a new version of its …

Linux Top 3: KDE 4.11, Linux 4.11 and Debian at 20

Linux Top 3: KDE 4.11, Linux 4.11 and Debian at 20. August 19, 2013; By Sean Michael Kerner. Big week on the Linux Planet for 4.11 releases. 1) KDE 4.11. This past week the newest major update from the KDE Community hit general availability with the …

Debian Package Managers

Every Linux distribution is different in terms of how software is installed. Linux distributions use different installation file types, package managers, and commands for installation. Even within a single form of Linux, there are different types of …

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