Home / Mobile / Live.ly shoots to the top of the App Store

Live.ly shoots to the top of the App Store

Live.ly, the newly released live streaming app from musical.ly, has now secured the top slot in the Apple App Store. That puts live.ly above Facebook Messenger, Snapchat, Google Maps and Instagram.

live-ly-iosLive.ly finished rolling out last Thursday and the app has already received over 500,000 downloads, the company tells TechCrunch. The app lets people broadcast what they are doing in real time.

“We want to thank the musical.ly community for embracing live.ly as an exciting new platform and canvas for creativity and self-expression,” Alex Zhu, co-CEO of musical.ly, told TechCrunch. “The fact that this comes almost one year after musical.ly hit #1 on the same chart makes the news even more exciting.”

There are a lot of competitors in the live streaming space, including Facebook Live and Twitter’s Periscope. Many tech companies view this as a growing viewership category for millennials and teens.

The musical.ly app for creating music videos also quickly gained traction and we’re told it has seen over 100 million downloads since it launched last year. Nearly half of its users are U.S. teenagers, although the company is based in Shanghai.

We also previously reported that musical.ly, which is backed by GGV and Greylock, has been working on a funding round that would value the startup at about $500 million.

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