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Official Apple (New) iPad Trailer

Apple Ipad

Official Apple (New) iPad Trailer

(New) iPad by Apple Coming soon to an Apple Store close to your Town… Models – Wi-Fi – Wi-Fi + 4G Size and Weight – Wi-Fi: + Height: 9.50 inches (241.2 mm)…
apple ipad Video Rating: 4 / 5

Screen shot of Apple iPad in use
apple ipad
Image by Tom Raftery
A screen shot of the Apple iPad in use taken from this movie www.apple.com/ipad/#video

What do you think of the Apple ipad do you think its something worth buying because it’s only a first gen?

I like the new Apple ipad it looks like a ginat ipod touch but i don’t know if it’s worth buying so many people tell me its not because it’s the first kind of a new technolgy or something lol. But i really like the way it looks and i could buy one but im still not sure.

apple ipad best answer:

Answer by CJ
DO NOT BUY ONE. Steve Jobs is a brilliant man and understands the american’s obsession with new technology. It is a giant ipod touch but it loses capabilities. It has so many restrictions for such a huge item. Something that size with the opportunity for greater power only leads it’s self vulnerable to upgrade. It sucked having a first gen ipod touch and not have the thinner 2nd gen that had built in speakers + bigger hard drives for the same price. Apple let go out a very basic item that would be a waste if you go it now considering the future holds so much more for this.

apple ipad
Image by cattias.photos

more at attias.net/blog/

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