Home / Mobile / Q&A: Do the same Nokia chargers work for Nokia flip phones and for the non-flip phones?

Q&A: Do the same Nokia chargers work for Nokia flip phones and for the non-flip phones?


Nokia or iPod – Creative – Zune? ?
Image by aburt
Nokia phone (with headphones) or iPod that is the question ? ?

I wonder what Finnish law is like when it comes to advertising to kids? I wonder if our advertising watch dog bodies over here in the UK would find issue with this or not if this was a UK brand of bread? being that food and designer goods / brand name products seem to be hot topic in the news, if they are some how advertised towards kids.

Do the same Nokia chargers work for Nokia flip phones and for the non-flip phones?

I have like 6 Nokia chargers from previous phones that are not the flip phones, but I’d like to get a Nokia flip phone. Are all Nokia chargers the same, regardless of the type of Nokia phone?

Nokia best answer:

Answer by susnashine
no they are not all the same, you have to check the charge plug and the area on the phone to see if they are compatable.

Nokia N93 Height
Image by stevegarfield
The Nokia N93 is about 1" high.

SYJ: Nokia
Image by bfishadow
Nokia @xleoman

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