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Q&A: Is there an android app that lets you change the way an incoming call looks on your screen?

Android App

Is there an android app that lets you change the way an incoming call looks on your screen?

Is there an android app that changes the appearance of an incoming call? I have the samsung intercept, and I don’t like the way an incoming call looks. Its too plain and when I assign an personal caller ID to a contact, the picture is too small.
By the way, I don’t get the little AndroidBot that usually pops up on android devices. Its the outline of a person and its gray.

android app best answer:

Answer by NoraCat
You need an Android app that replaces the phone’s current ‘phone’ app. Search in the Market for ‘dialer’ and you’ll find a bunch. I haven’t used any though, so I can’t recommend specific ones.

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