Home / Mobile / Samsung Galaxy S7 Active fails consumer water-resistance tests

Samsung Galaxy S7 Active fails consumer water-resistance tests


Samsung Galaxy S7 Active is supposedly one of the most rugged smartphones on the market – but it seems to have trouble with water.

Despite being billed as a water-resistant device like its predecessors Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge, the S7 Active failed a series of tests devised byConsumer Report.

The trade publication found two separate phones unresponsive – with moisture leaking into the SIM card and camera – after being dunked in 2.12 pounds-per-square-inch of water in a pressurised tank.

As you can see in the video above, both devices become unusable following completion of the experiment – which tests Samsung’s vow that its devices can survive under 5 feet of water for 30 minutes.

Samsung issued a statement, saying: “The Samsung Galaxy S7 active device is one of the most rugged phones to date and is highly resistant to scratches and IP68 certified.

“There may be an off-chance that a defective device is not as watertight as it should be.”

Want to know more on Samsung’s future phone plans? Check out everything you need to know about the upcoming Galaxy S8 release date right here.

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