Home / Mobile / Samsung Might Skip The Galaxy Note 6 And Go Straight To 7

Samsung Might Skip The Galaxy Note 6 And Go Straight To 7

A Korea IT News report suggests that Samsung will skip the ‘6’ in its Galaxy Note series of large-screen, stylus-toting Android smartphones and go straight to the Galaxy Note 7, in a move to harmonise the phone’s name with its more popular and mainstream Galaxy S7. There’s no superstition or subterfuge behind this alleged move, but it’s just a relic of the fact that the original Note launched a year behind the Galaxy.

ETNews says that its sources within the country’s telecommunications industry have pointed to the move, which is unconventional but that makes sense — while this year’s February launch of the Samsung Galaxy S7 is likely to be followed up with a replacement for the Galaxy Note 5 in August or September, it might not be called the Galaxy Note 6.

Samsung has an unlikely partner in this trend: Apple. Apple’s original iPhone jumped to the iPhone 3G, skipping a ‘2’. LG and Sony have been consistent in the naming of their G- and Z-series Android phones respectively, while HTC’s new 10 drops the ‘One’ branding of previous iterations.

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