Home / Mobile / Samsung’s releasing a Galaxy S7 Edge Olympic Edition

Samsung’s releasing a Galaxy S7 Edge Olympic Edition


As a partner of the upcoming Rio 2016 Olympics, Samsung has produced a special edition of its Galaxy S7 Edge smartphone.

But you’ll have to be taking part in the Games to get your hands on one – or alternatively, be pretty quick off the mark when a handful land in stores.

The company will hand each of the 12,500 athletes a handset, which features the Olympics logo on the back and a colour scheme matching the colours of the famous rings.

As shown through the promo below, the lock button will be red, while the camera and flash outlines will be blue. The rings are also plastered throughout the user interface, featuring prominently in apps like message, dial and contacts.

But if you don’t happen to be an Olympic-level athlete, you can try your hand at becoming one of the owners of the 2,016 phones that will be made available to the public from July 18.

Stores in the US, China, Germany, Korea and host nation Brazil will stock the colourful new Edge, but unfortunately the UK has not been listed as a participant.

Don’t worry, though, you can still get involved in all the Rio fun by downloading the app designed by Samsung for the Games. That’s just as good as a shiny, special edition phone, right?

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