Home / Notebook / StarCraft 2 – Like A Boss: Infestor Expansion Harass with Infested Terrans – Strategy

StarCraft 2 – Like A Boss: Infestor Expansion Harass with Infested Terrans – Strategy

Terrans Force

StarCraft 2 – Like A Boss: Infestor Expansion Harass with Infested Terrans – Strategy

Force Strategy Gaming presents: StarCraft 2 – Like A Boss: Infestor Expansion Harass with Infested Terrans Learn how to Harass expansion with Infestors…Lik…
Terrans Force Video Rating: 4 / 5

could someone give me a build order for a terran strategy on starcraft 2?

I’m currently using a simple three rack build with tech labs on two a reactor on one. its a good build order but it doest seem to work very well agianst other terrans or when protoss get collosi it gets really. please help and/or give me tips ugly. btw how do you counter banelings and what can i do to prevent losing to zergs as well?

Terrans Force best answer:

Answer by Sierra
What you need to know is that when you face another terran opponent, and you both know how to play the game, you’ll be forced to play marine tanks. Tanks are vital in this matchup and you’ll need air control to advance while you slowly strangle his economy and harass him.

Against protoss, the best tactic would be to play MMM but you need to constantly scout and figure out what the enemy protoss player is going for. If he goes for colossuses you’ll need to get a large amount of vikings but if he goes for high templars and storms, you’ll need to get ghosts to emp or possibly snipe them.

In a zerg game you need to keep in mind that you’re in no rush, you can turtle up with tanks, marines and other units and crush him in a maxed out engagement multiple times in a row. If you’re uncertain as to whether you’re safe to attack or not, don’t do it until you feel really comfirtable.

— Edit: banelings melt to tanks, so try and focus fire them with said tanks. Marines are really cheap and if you split them while he comes rolling in with banelings, you’ll greatly reduce the efficiency of his banelings. 3/3 upgraded marines can take 2 baneling hits before dying.

It’s all about macro and scouting, no build order will win you the game everytime against any opponent.

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