Home / Mobile / This new Galaxy S7 picture leak has revealed EVERYTHING you need to know

This new Galaxy S7 picture leak has revealed EVERYTHING you need to know

Check out the curvier and more streamlined offering from Samsung.


With the Samsung Galaxy S7 just days away from release, new pictures of the handset have been leaked, revealing everything.

It hasn’t given us anything really new to go on though, just confirmed all we’d already guessed from previous picture leaks.

The photos also confirmed it will be available in white, as well as silver, black and gold too for those who need more options.


The only other design change is a slightly squarer fingerprint sensor on the front – again just confirming earlier reports.

Finalised pricing for the Samsung Galaxy S7 still hasn’t been confirmed. According to early reports, we’re expecting it to come in at about 10% less expensive than the S6’s £599 asking price.

Early leaks set the S7 price at €700 on day one. That’s £541 as a straight UK conversion.

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