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UK Workers Worry That Employers Spy On Their Wearable Devices


UK workers are concerned that wearable smart devices are becoming a modern spy tool for employers.

In February 2016, Gartner reported that sales of wearable smart watches had reached 30 million in 2015 and will double to 66 million in the next year.

A survey of 2000 UK workers supported this rapid market growth as almost half of all respondents (46%) said they would accept a free wearable from their employer.

But despite willingness to take up the technology, only 30% of workers over the age of 55 would want to use a work-supplied device if their employer had access to the data.

Almost half (40%) of these employees are concerned that their boss would actively use the data against them if they access to it.

However there is a discrepancy in trust levels between younger and older workers, with 59% of workers under the age of 35 saying they would be happy to use a work-provided device.

Anthony Bruce, people analytics leader at PriceWaterhouse Coopers told The Telegraph: “If [companies] want to overcome the trust gap they need to show that they are serious about data security and communicate openly with their staff about the benefits for them.”

Two thirds of respondents wanted their employer to take an active role in their health and wellbeing.

In January the European Court of Human Rights ruled that companies are allowed to spy on employee data if it is seen as related to their work.

The ruling was made after a case in Romania where Bogdan Mihai Bărbulescu filed a complaint after he was fired for using his work email to send personal messages.

The court ruled in the favour of Mr Bărbulescu’s employer saying that it was not “unreasonable that an employer would want to verify that employees were completing their professional tasks during working hours.”

    • 1 3 Minute Mindfulness
It might sound silly but something as simple as breathing can make all the difference when works starts to get on top of you. You can use three different short breathing techniques both on your iPhone or through the Apple Watch app with gentle cues telling you when to inhale and exhale. It’s not rocket science, but sometimes not-rocket-science is just what you need.

    • 2 Lark
Lark is for those of us that might need that gentle nudge along the road. Created by Harvard and Stanford health experts this AI-style app actually has a conversation with you about your fitness/health goals and objectives. The Apple Watch app lets you send pre-determined responses so you can still chat on the go. It’ll even pipe up with a little bit of encouragement if you’re feeling stuck in a rut.

    • 3 Pause
Pause is simplicity at its best. You simply set a time, connect some headphones and then follow the instructions. This audiovisual app asks you to follow your finger around the screen. Think of this as mental yoga and you’ll get the idea!

    • 4 Pocket Yoga
Pocket Yoga is just that, it’s quite literally every yoga technique you can think of crammed into your Apple Watch. This isn’t just an encyclopaedia though, it’s your teacher as well. Monitoring your heart rate via Apple Watch the app will take you through pre-loaded sessions and even show you the techniques as you’re doing them.

    • 5 Streak
Ever wanted to start a habit but found that in the end it just fizzes out? Streak is here to help, you simply set the routine you’d like to lead and Streak will start getting you on the right track. Start sticking to them and you’ll create ‘streaks’ which will eventually become second nature. The Apple Watch app gently buzzes with reminders and encouragement to keep you motivated as well.

    • 6 Waterminder
Being in an office can breed two rather disturbing habits: Sitting still for too long and not drinking enough water. Well thankfully your Apple Watch already has a reminder to get you standing and now Waterminder works to get you drinking enough fluids. Using your Apple Health data Waterminder simply gets you to log everytime you have a drink, helping visualise the amount you should be drinking and how far away you are from your recommended amount.


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