Home / HARDWARE / Valve Releases OpenVR SDK 1.0, Grants Devs Access To Vive Camera

Valve Releases OpenVR SDK 1.0, Grants Devs Access To Vive Camera


Valve released a stable version of the OpenVR SDK today that marks the first time third-party developers have had access to the Vive’s front-facing camera.

Valve’s approach to VR is simple: Build the tools that developers need and let them do what they want. The company is not concerned with exclusive titles or exclusive hardware, and has made the entire platform open to anyone. Valve has been regularly updating the OpenVR platform.

Initially, developers are getting access to the poll streaming frames and HMD pose information. Valve said the image is offered as a pre-corrected distorted image, or a corrected undistorted image.

The release notes also stated that preliminary support for screenshots was added to IVRCompositor, but it’s “not stable yet and should be ignored for now.”

You can find the full list of bug fixes, added components and the complete source code at Github.

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