Home / Science / What is a good iPod dock or sound system?

What is a good iPod dock or sound system?

IPod Dock

Origami iPod Dock!
iPod dock
Image by Defragged
This has been doing the rounds for a while now, but I finally got
round to making one. After only a slight mess-up (printing the design
onto the wrong side of the paper, causing horrible smudginess), it
works great.

yours here!

UPDATE: On the advice of a friend, I am now calling this the iPod TriPod. Despite it not being a tripod.

What is a good iPod dock or sound system?

I have and old CD player/radio and want to replace it with a modern sound system. This sound system need to have a CD player, and iPod dock (compatible with the new iPod nano), and a radio. This system should also be portable.
I know it’s a lot to ask but there must be one out there!
Please provide links to your answers if possible (so I can buy it)
Thanks in advance!

iPod dock best answer:

Answer by Itsygo
It really depends on what type of IPod dock you wan’t, there is actually a website I’ve searched for you that has many IPod dock reviews, I’ll add it to the source.

iPod Dock Connector
iPod dock
Image by Collin Allen
The JAE manufactured connector that matches the iPod Dock Connector. Time to get hacking!

Testing the iPod Dock
iPod dock
Image by kjackman
Integrated test of the iPod Dock, before mounting the PCB and breakout box to the speaker.

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