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Windows 10 Features Massive Day One Patch

Windows 10

Tech firms have become increasingly reliant on day one patches and over-the-air updates to root out bugs in new software, much to the chagrin of users who just want things to work right from the moment they boot up an app.

Microsoft is the latest company to offer a sizable fix as soon as its latest product hits consumers’ download queues: Windows 10 will come with a day-one patch that’s a gargantuan 1GB in size, according to WinBeta. That patch includes not only bug fixes, but also system improvements.

While Windows 10 has scored generally positive reviews from the tech media (“It’s worth the download,” PCWorld’s Mark Hachman wrote), a patch that size means Microsoft is still very much in the process of squishing errors. Those who don’t have an urgent need to upgrade their operating system, and who don’t like the idea of dealing with a massive upgrade in the midst of the installation process, might choose to wait a little bit before downloading Windows 10.

Based on the reviews, it seems this build of Windows 10 is pretty polished, meaning there’s little chance of an Assassin’s Creed-style QA debacle. Nonetheless, despite the big PR push behind Microsoft’s new operating system, it’s clear the OS isn’t 100 percent done.

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