Home / Notebook / Yes, the HP Elite x3 Lap Dock works ‘fine’ with the Lumia 950 XL

Yes, the HP Elite x3 Lap Dock works ‘fine’ with the Lumia 950 XL


Until the Surface Phone takes center stage (or should we say if the fabled business handheld ever materializes?), the high-end Windows 10 Mobile-based hardware torch is to be passed on from the Lumia 950 XL to the HP Elite x3.

Just like Microsoft’s homebrewed Continuum-supporting pioneer and the non-XL 950, the third-party Snapdragon 820 powerhouse will be able to seamlessly convert into a PC, courtesy of its own Desk Dock and Lap Dock accessories.

In many ways, the latter is the more interesting peripheral, synching to the 6-inch Elite x3 either wirelessly or via USB Type-C and working its magic on a 12.5-inch 1080p display and full 6-row laptop keyboard, with a 48WH battery promising to keep the lights on for up to 12 hours of continuous use.

While we certainly expected and rooted for HP’s Lap Dock to also support the Lumia 950 XL since day one, it’s only now (unofficial) confirmation arrives, thanks to a rigorous first-impression Elite x3 treatment by AAWP.

According to Redmond connoisseur Steve Litchfield, the two “worked fine” in cahoots wirelessly and over USB Type C, “as you might expect since Continuum is Microsoft’s baby and the same on both handsets.” Still no word on Lap Dock pricing, unfortunately.


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