Home / Mobile / You can now pay monthly for your new OnePlus 2, OnePlus X

You can now pay monthly for your new OnePlus 2, OnePlus X


If you’ve been eyeing a new OnePlus smartphone since the company dropped its invite system, but you’ve been unable to save up the cash, now’s your chance to get one on installments.

Starting today, you can pick up the flagship OnePlus 2 for as little as $22.60 a month, while the OnePlus X starts at just $16.12.

“To give consumers the power to fairly compare what they’re paying at a carrier versus on OnePlus.net, we want our customers to have access to all of the payment options they’ve come to expect,” OnePlus announced today.

“Starting today, in our US store you will be able to pay for any order over $99 in installments.”

OnePlus offers a number of advantages over the carriers, and it’s not just cheaper prices. Getting an unlocked phone gives you the freedom to switch carriers at anytime, and if you want to pay off your smartphone early, you’re free to do so at anytime.

The installment program is offered by PayPal Credit, and you can find out exactly how much it’s going to cost you using the payment calculator on each product page. There are 18-month, 12-month, and 6-month options to choose from.

For a OnePlus 2, prices start at $22.60 over 18 months, or $32.33 over 12. The 6-month plan costs $61.60, and all three come with 19.9 percent APR. The OnePlus X costs $16.12, $23.06, and $43.95 respectively at the same interest rate.

It’s unclear if these installment plans will reach other markets later, but those in the U.S. can go and take advantage of them today in the OnePlus online store.

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