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Latest IPhone Apps News

iPhone Apps of the Week: Clipper, Potluck, and More

iPhone Apps
Make beautiful memories, read all the best web content, catch up with family, and watch all the videos your little heart desires. Sound like an impossible number of multitasking? Nah—not if you have this week's round of iphone apps to help you out.

3 Free iPhone Apps that Help You Hear

iPhone Apps
Well, your iPhone isn't cheap, but you have it already. Finding an app that can act as reading glasses for your ears by taking advantage of your phone's audio features—and do it for free—becomes icing on your gadget cake. I've found three apps that …

The 8 Best Apps for Making and Sharing Videos on Your iPhone

iPhone Apps
The 8 Best Apps for Making and Sharing Videos on Your iPhone. Vine caused a big buzz when it launched but it wasn't the first iPhone social video app—nor the last, as the new update to Instagram proved. Which of the many social video apps is the best?

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